One NIght With Pasqual (The Chevalier Series) Read online

Page 9

  Ouch, that thought really freaking hurt.

  This was so much worse than facing Pasqual himself. Standing in front of Angelique was beyond humiliating. Rhonnie’s face flamed as she shifted from foot to foot, very aware of her stomach, of what made it so nice and round.

  “Oh, honey, come on and sit.” Angelique patted the space next to her. “No need for blushes. Having a baby is the most abnormally natural thing in the world.” Abnormally natural? What the heck did that mean? Confusion must have been stamped all over her face because Angelique let out a small peal of laughter. Jeez, even her laughter was beautiful and cultivated. “Trust me—you’ll understand after the baby is born.”

  Not knowing what else to do, Rhonda sat. The older woman’s authentic warmth was infectious. Rhonda was disarmed by simple inquires about her health, the health of the baby—nothing deep or probing. Still, Rhonda got the distinct impression she was being sized up in a way. Knowing that didn’t make it easier to be on guard, however. Angelique had a natural affinity for getting past the defenses Rhonda carefully erected around herself. The older woman cut through her walls as easily as if she were walking through nothing more substantial than fog. And yet, no questions about how she and Pasqual came to be together, and no questions about why they weren’t together, or why she was here in a home belonging to Pas’ uncle.

  “Well, I think all my questions have all been answered.” Angelique stood, holding out her hands to Rhonda. With a surprisingly strong grip, the older woman helped her to her feet, then engulfed her in an embrace that threatened to batter down Rhonda’s last remaining defense against the tears that were always far too close to the surface.

  It felt like pure love and acceptance in Angelique’s arms. It felt like her own mother was hugging her again. God, how she’d missed that. This family was just lethal to a person’s emotions.

  “You’ll need to get ready. I believe Chloe has all the things you’ll need ready for you in your rooms. And, of course, I’ve made sure we have a great hairdresser, a seamstress in case the dress needs alterations, and... No, I don’t think you’ll need the make-up artist, but there’s one here if you prefer. I think you are just so naturally beautiful, you don’t need a thing on your face but the sun.”

  Huh? “I’m sorry, Mrs. Chevalier, but ready for what?” Rhonda blurted, more confused than she’d been when Angelique had first spoken. What the hell was really going on here? “I seem to be missing something.”

  Cold tentacles of pure dread slithered throughout her body. Suddenly chilled, Rhonda shivered from head to toe, praying Angelique would answer her. Something benign, maybe? Like some sort of intervention that would force her and Pas into some kind of understanding? Deep down she knew that was wishful thinking. She wasn’t going to like this. And instead of answering, Angelique simply gave her motherly smile, designed to make the person on the receiving end of the little gesture of affection completely blind to the emotional punch that was coming, then handed Rhonda a large manilla envelope. A heavy one.

  “Read this,” Angelique urged softly. “Chloe will be waiting for you when you’re ready. Just don’t take too long.” With a quick kiss to Rhonda’s cheek, Angelique was gone, her spring-mint-colored, soft silk dress and light, flowery perfume trailing in her quake.

  Rhonda dropped back onto the little sofa much harder than she’d intended, immediately regretting it. A sharp spike of pain radiated from her butt up her spine, which caused the baby to start moving and kicking with a vengeance.

  “I’m sorry, little one,” she murmured absently, rubbing her belly to try to get the baby to calm.

  Contemplating the missive in her hands, she tried to imagine what could be in it. The Chevaliers were such a strange family, but they weren’t disingenuous, nor were they the kind to make her an offer to disappear or give up custody of her baby. Pas might insist in anger, which was terrifying, but his family just wasn’t like that. If one of their very large clan liked a person, the others at the very least tolerated them. Unlike so many families of note in the city, they didn’t smile in a person’s face then stab them in the back. With this family, they liked an enemy to see the knife coming and know there wasn’t a damn thing anyone could do to stop it. With that in mind, there was no doubt Pas’ mother was being genuine. Somehow that just made the woman’s cryptic statements that much more frightening.

  “Oh, Pas, what have you done?” Rhonda asked the envelope softly, not daring to open it just yet.

  “Why don’t you open it and find out?”

  The sound of Rayce’s voice was such a relief, Rhonda almost allowed herself to cry. Almost. God, how she had missed him. Even though she needed to kick his ass for sending Pas to her, she was really glad he was back. Rayce had always been a great friend, as had Chloe. And Lord knows she needed her friends right now. The both of them.

  “Is there anyone in your family that doesn’t ambush a person?” Relieved she may be, but she couldn’t help but let out a little waspishness. It had been a really hard week, and Rayce of all people would understand. Besides, Rhonda really was feeling as if she were the object of a serious strike of military proportions. She just had no idea what the endgame was.

  “Not when we care about the person being ambushed, no. And certainly when what you call an ambush is just people who care coming to see you.” Leave it to Rayce to refuse to be insulted. Really that was one of the reasons she loved him so much as a friend. “I know more than anyone Pas can be overbearing, prideful, and even an asshole, but if you give him half a chance I think he just might surprise you.”

  “Pas is a great guy.” Damn it, why was she forever defending him? Against his own family, no less. “I’m sure he’ll make someone one hell of a husband one day.” Even the words sliced to the bone. The reality might one day break her. Yes, he would make someone a great husband, but it wouldn’t be her. And she hated that. “And I have no doubt he will be a great father to my child. That’s all I can ask for.” All she had the right to ask for.

  “And how do you know it won’t be you, Rhonnie?” Rayce prodded softly.

  He had to be kidding. How did she know? Did he seriously just say that to her? Jumping to her feet, albeit clumsily, Rhonda advanced on the irritating man she loved like a brother with deliberate intent.

  “I know because he didn’t even remember making this child, Rayce. I damn sure didn’t get pregnant by myself.” Standing toe to—well, chest, she poked his sternum to accentuate her points. “I know because you had to orchestrate bringing me to his notice. I know because he is the kind of man to want to fix what’s been broken without thought to himself until he finds himself in a relationship he really doesn’t want, but he would stay because he considers it his damn duty!”

  Race didn’t look the least bit contrite after her outburst, nor did he look especially impressed, Instead he simply opened his arms and pulled her into a tight embrace. “You love him that much? Lucky bastard doesn’t deserve you.”

  That statement, said with heart, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The floodgates opened with a vengeance as she sobbed her heart out on Rayce’s chest. Yes, she loved Pas; loved him so much it tore her up inside. But Pas didn’t really love her back. As good as he had been to her over the past two months, the fact remained that in all this time he’d never remembered sleeping with her. Not once had he put two and two together, insisting on believing she was carrying Rayce’s baby. That night had meant everything to her, and meant so little to him he didn’t even recall being with her.

  “He did attempt to look for you, you know. After he got back from Canada.” Rayce murmured, not letting her go even though she had begun to struggle to get away. She didn’t want to hear this. “No, he didn’t remember it was you specifically, but that night he spotted you out of the crowd immediately after we walked through the door. He knew who you were, even as shit-faced as he was.”

  “He didn’t act shit-faced,” Rhonda cried miserably, not sure how to take what Rayce was te
lling her.

  “He never does. It’s rare Pas gets sloshed, but the damn man can be three sheets to the wind and sound as if he’s a sober as a judge. I never should have let it happen. But Rhonnie, you have to know he has always liked you. I just kept him away from you because Pas can be intense. You were so sweet and innocent...well, I just didn’t think you were ready for Pas. I’m more sorry than you know. If I had maybe stepped back, let Pas talk to you six years ago, maybe none of this would’ve ever happened.”

  It was a sweet sentiment, but too much for her to digest right now. There was such real contrition in Rayce’s voice, it broke her heart all over again. None of this was his fault. She and Pas were adults. They’d done this to themselves; each in their own way had been so very wrong. But if half of what Rayce had said was true, then there was a tiny spark of hope. Only hope was a faithless bitch who seldom came through on her promises.

  “Promise me you’ll read what Pasqual had to say. Please, Rhonnie.” He finally gave her a little space to move, but just enough to look at him. “Promise me.”

  Why couldn’t she have fallen for Rayce? He was just as handsome as Pasqual, only in a friendly, easygoing way. But no, her heart had always belonged to Pasqual.

  She was so going to regret this. “I promise.”

  As soon as Rayce left the room, she sat back down, more carefully this time. Opening the envelope took more courage than she’d ever thought she possessed. Since staring at it wasn’t going to give her insight, she pulled out the package. There were a bunch of legal papers, which she didn’t look at just yet, and a handwritten note.


  I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I beg you for it anyway. I know

  you don’t believe this, but I do love you, so damn much. With or

  without the baby, I love the woman you are. There is no excuse for

  what I did. I think I may have pushed the memory of being with you away

  because I was so afraid you were having Rayce’s baby. It hurt. I didn’t

  recognize it and reacted badly. But, Rhonnie, know I have always been

  interested. Like I wrote before, I don’t expect you to believe me, but

  I am begging you for a chance to prove it to you. Just know this—even if

  you refuse to marry me today....

  Wait, whoa, what? Marriage? Who the hell was talking about marriage? Oh, Mother Mary and the Saints above, was that why Pas’ mother had been here looking like spring itself? That couldn’t have been what she was talking about. Not even the autocratic Pasqual Chevalier would orchestrate a wedding without bothering to consult her. Would he?

  Oh, God, he would. Rumor had it one of his uncles had done the exact same thing to get his wife to marry him. She forgot which one, but apparently that kind of thing ran in the family. No fucking way she was going to let Pas marry her and “rescue” her. Even if she had to work three jobs, she would not allow him to save her. She should tear up the damn letter and burn the rest of the contents.

  And yet, she needed to see what else he had to say.

  ...even if you refuse to marry me today, I won’t give up. I’ll never give up.

  I’m going to prove how serious I am. Just so you never feel trapped—I

  took the liberty of looking into the loss of your parent’s money. It took

  some digging, but myself, Chloe, Rayce and Thereze managed to find

  your father’s former partner lied. He’d embezzled all of the company’s

  money and lied to you, betting no one would come to your aid. Chloe

  recovered all of the money, with interest of course. The man in question

  is being held without bail and will find himself before Judge Anton de

  Câpet. My uncle. You are no longer at anyone’s mercy. You don’t need

  me to take care of you—you are quite wealthy in your own right.

  But I know you love me, so I am praying this will empower you.

  I also hope like hell this will help you realize I am serious as a heart attack.

  I love you with all my heart. That will never change.

  Meet me at the altar?



  One month later...

  There had never on earth been a more beautiful bride. Watching Rhonda now, Pasqual knew he had been more than lucky that she had agreed to marry him. It had taken a while, his gamble thirty-three very long days ago not paying off. But it had opened the door. Instead of a wedding, they’d had a nice family get together with wedding cake. But today—today had been perfect. His bride had walked down the aisle looking like an angel on his father’s arm in a pure, snow-white gown created by Aunt Solange. A very pregnant angel. Tonight, Pas felt as if he really was king of the universe.

  Lounging against the head of the bed, he smiled as he watched Rhonda in her white teddy, her belly full with his baby. The nightie had also been designed by Aunt Solange. It hugged Rhonnie’s chest but flowed out from there in gauzy material that made him rock hard, itching to strip the scant material off her. There was something irresistible about his woman carrying his child.

  “Come here, Rhonnie.” God, he couldn’t wait another fucking second. He needed his wife. Now.

  Throwing a mysterious smile in his direction, she ignored him at first, continuing to brush her hair before sweeping it up in a bun on the top of her head. Didn’t matter—he was going to take it down. Moving about as fast as molasses in January, she rose from the little vanity and made her way to the bed, but stopped a few steps away, her lips forming a litle “O” shape, her eyes wide.

  Pas was on his feet in an instant, leaping over the bed to her side.

  “What is it? Rhonnie, what’s wrong?” His heart was thundering. He had spoken to the doctor to make absolutely sure none of this would be too taxing on her. Maybe she’d been on her feet too long during the wedding and reception. Maybe the stress of the day had been too much. if anything happened to her...

  “My water just broke.”

  “What?” Pasqual gaped stupidly at her, not comprehending what she was saying. Her water broke? But she was only eight months. This was way too soon! “Okay, okay. Sit down. No, lay down. Or just sit. Where’s your bag?”

  He looked around the room in a panic, not understanding why he couldn’t find anything. The entire bedroom looked strange—unfamiliar. Oh wait, they were in a hotel. Because Rhonda was too far along for a proper honeymoon, they’d decided to celebrate their wedding by very old French Creole custom, spending a week together alone in the bedroom. Uncle Aubrey had told him about it a long time ago...


  “Shit! Hospital!”

  Not bothering to put his shirt back on, Pas swept her up in his arms and headed for the door. Someone at this hotel had to have a car. He’d steal one if he had to.

  “Pasqual Chevalier, we need clothes!”

  Didn’t she understand there was no time for that? They had to get to the hospital.

  “No one will look, or I’ll kill them.” And he would, damn it. He had no time for trivialities.

  Luckily, there was a car service that took them straight to Ochsner Medical Center. Somehow, he managed to call his parents in between timing contractions and offering what little comfort he could to his wife.

  Wife. Damn, that sounded good.

  “Oh, God, Pas, I think I need to push!” Rhonda was panting, grasping his hand in a grip that felt like it was going to break his hand. That couldn’t be right. They’d taken a class. The lady had said it was going to take hours. “It’s going way too fast.”

  And too soon, but he didn’t want to panic her any more than she already was. “It’s just pressure, I’m sure, baby. Nothing to worry about. I’m sure it’s just part of the process. Just—just don’t push, okay?”

  But as soon as they got to the hospital, Pas knew something was wrong. They wheeled Rhonnnie straight into a delivery room, yelling for all kinds of shit he didn’t understand. Thank God h
is parents had called Teres, who was there to deliver his child.

  “Pas, why don’t you go wait with Uncle Thierry and Aunt Angel.” Teres was worried. She was being way too nice. That only increased his own anxiety.

  “I am not leaving my wife.” He couldn’t. She was his very life. If he had to will her to be okay, goddammit that was what he was going to do.

  Teres didn’t spare him another glance. She ducked between Rhonnie’s spread thighs, coming up with a dazed look on her face.

  “Okay, Rhonda, I am going to need you to push. Teres instructed, her hand on the top of Rhonnie’s stomach.

  “Now?” Pas hadn’t meant to speak, but...this was happening way too fast.

  Teres didn’t even look at him. “Are you ready? One, two...PUSH!”

  Maybe he shouldn’t have looked down. When he saw the top of a tiny head, he was transfixed. The head was covered with glossy black hair covered in things he didn’t want to begin to speculate on. It didn’t look like any baby he had ever seen, and he had seen more than a few. Someone was forever having a child in his family. But this was…raw. The little face appeared next, followed more quickly by the rest of the body.

  Teres quickly handed the mewing baby to a nurse, who seemed to attack the child with some kind of small sucking device, which made the newborn wail in protest.